Well, here I am!!!  

Let's start from very beginning, for the ones that don't know me well. My name is David Darchiashvili. I was born in year 1979 in Georgia. (Former Soviet union) In city called Tbilisi. I can't say that I was any special or different. I went to school #165 in my city, I was not anything special during my school years either. :)
Somewhere between years 1992 - 1993 I prayed first time with the repentance prayer after watching a cartoon called "Super book" At the late 1993 Lord gave me privilege to meet The Salvation Army.* May 1'st of 1994 I became soldier and sense then, I am trying to be as faithful to the Lord and the principles of The Salvation Army as I can. In 1997 I went to Finland to become Officer (pastor). In 1998 I was given an opportunity to continue my education in USA - Chicago, IL. In 1999 I came back to Finland and then I was appointed as a Officer.

My first appointment was in Ukraine as a Assistant Corps officer in Kiev Left - Bank Corps and Regional youth officer.

In year 2000 I got a new appointment to Georgia as a Corps officer of the Didi Digomi Corps in Tbilisi.

In year 2002 I received my third appointment as a Corps officer of the Kuleshovka Corps in Russia - southern region.

Well, that's a brief info about me. Well, if you want to know more, write letters! :) I'll try to ad more info.

Blessings to you.

* - To find out more about The Salvation Army, please visit my link's page.
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